NYC Prep is an American reality television series on Bravo. The series debuted on June 23, 2009. The series follows six Manhattan teenagers in their daily lives as they attended events such as weekend parties, fashion shows, shopping sprees, charity events and dinner parties. The series drew many comparisons to the hit CW television show Gossip Girl because both shows revolved around the lives of Manhattan's "elite" teenagers. Filming was not allowed during school, nor were any school names specifically mentioned on the show, as the schools desired to distance themselves from the show.
Camille Isobel Hughes: a student at the Professional Children's School. She was previously a student at the Nightingale-Bamford School. However, Camille decided to attend The College of William & Mary in the fall of 2010 to join the class of 2014. Only her math SAT score was released from her blog; she answered two questions incorrectly on the math portion. Camille has a younger sister, Lillie. Hughes is a member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority. She publicly identifies her involvement in NYC Prep on her Twitter account.
Jessica "Jessie" Leavitt: a graduate of the Dwight School on the Upper West Side of New York City. She enrolled in the Fashion Institute of Technology in fall 2009.
Kelli Brooke Tomashoff: a student at the Birch Wathen Lenox School on the Upper East Side of New York City. She is a member of the school's class of 2010. Kelli's parents live in The Hamptons, while Kelli and her older brother share an apartment. Kelli's mother is a realtor. Her father is the owner of a printing company.
Sebastian Oppenheim: a student at Ross School, a private school in East Hampton, New York. His father is Jeff Oppenheim, a theater and film director, producer and writer. His mother is Djida Oppenheim. He has a sister, Stephanie. Sebastian is a member of the school's class of 2011. On August 13, 2009, photos of Oppenheim and Gabe Aiello, also seen on NYC Prep, surfaced of them wearing imitation Hitler mustaches using black tape to make swastikas on a car seat and car window.
Taylor DiGiovanni: a student who previously attended Stuyvesant High School, a public high school in Battery Park City, New York. Taylor is a member of the school's class of 2011. She later attended City-As-School in New York City.
Peter Cary "PC" Peterson: a resident of the Upper West Side in New York City. Although the show chronicles his life on the Upper East Side, PC resides on the Upper West Side with his mother. He attended the Dwight School on the Upper West Side as well, and went on to enroll at Rollins College. He is the grandson of billionaire and former US Secretary of Commerce Peter George Peterson. His step-grandmother Joan Ganz Cooney created Sesame Street. PC's mother is Paige Peterson, a noted painter and writer. His father is David Peterson. PC's parents are divorced.